
Introduction. The paper is part of a university interdisciplinary research project on the flow of information and communication regarding health care issues among young people in a situation of information poverty in vulnerable socio-economic contexts. Investigation takes place in a country which recently implemented an integrated national health care system. The theoretical - methodological approach is based on information poverty, the social constructionist perspective, research in the area of everyday life information seeking, studies referred to Lay Information Mediary Behavior (LIMB) and others.
Method. Research strategy followed qualitative methods: workshops with young people who accessed to and used a sexuality web portal, which was designed by computer engineers in an interdisciplinary way together with professionals of library and information science, communication science experts, sociologists and social anthropologists who employed participant observation, brief interviews and focus groups..
Analysis. Qualitative analysis was conducted using systematic techniques of content analysis of discourse, involving observation, short interviews and focus group..
Conclusions. This represented an innovative experience to confirm the possibility of designing electronic information resources in an interdisciplinary and participatory manner.

Autores (de la FIC)
Publicado/exhibido en
Information Research vol 19 (4) dec 2014
Ref. bibliográfica
Sabelli, M. (2014). Health care information for youth in vulnerability contexts: designing a website with an interdisciplinary and participatory approach. Information Research 19 (4), 2014